Babineau, M., Havron, N., Dautriche, I., de Carvalho, A., & Christophe, A. (2022), Learning to predict and predicting to learn: Before and beyond the syntactic bootstrapper. Language Acquisition, 1–24. [paper]
Niso G., R Krol L., Combrisson E., Dubarry A S., A Elliott M., et al. (2022), Good scientific practice in EEG and MEG research: Progress and perspectives. NeuroImage, 257, 119056. [paper]
Hervé E., Mento G., Desnous B. & François C. (2022), Challenges and new perspectives of developmental cognitive EEG studies. NeuroImage, 260, 119508. [paper]
Ramos-Escobar N., Mercier M., Trébuchon-Fonséca A., Rodriguez-Fornells A., François C. & Schön D. (2022), Hippocampal and auditory contributions to speech segmentation. Cortex, 150, 1–11. [paper]
Frey A., Barbaroux M., Dittinger E. & Besson M. (2022), Effects of Psychoacoustic Training on the Pre-Attentive Processing of Harmonic Sounds and Syllables. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 65, 2003–2015. [paper]
Frey A., Lessard A., Carchon I., Provasi J. & Pulido L. (2022), Rhythmic training, literacy, and graphomotor skills in kindergarteners. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 959534. [paper]
Rey A., Fagot J., Mathy F., Lazartigues L., Tosatto L., Bonafos G., Freyermuth J.M. & Lavigne, F. (2022), Learning higher-order transitional probabilities in nonhuman primates. Cognitive Science, 46, e13121. [paper]
Tosatto L., Bonafos G., Melmi J.B. & Rey A. (2022), Detecting non-adjacent dependencies is the exception rather than the rule. PLOS ONE, 17(7), e0270580. [paper]
Dautriche I., Rabagliati H. & Smith K. (2021), Subjective confidence influences word learning in a cross-situational statistical learning task. Journal of Memory and Language, 5, 1–19. [paper] [data]
Dautriche I., Goupil L., Smith K. & Rabagliati H. (2021), Knowing how you know: Toddlers re-evaluate words learnt from an unreliable speaker. Open Mind, 5, 1–19. [paper] [data]
de Carvalho A., Dautriche I. & Christophe A. (2021), Toddlers exploit referential and syntactic cues to flexibly adapt their interpretation of novel verb meanings. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 203, 105017. [paper] [data]
Ramos-Escobar N., Laine M., Sanseverino-Dillenburg M., Cucurell D., François C., et al. (2021), The interplay between domain-general and domain-specific mechanisms during the time-course of verbal associative learning: An event-related potential study. NeuroImage, 242, 118443. [paper]
Ramos-Escobar N., Segura E., Olivé G., Rodriguez-Fornells A. & François C. (2021), Oscillatory activity and EEG phase synchrony of concurrent word segmentation and meaning-mapping in 9-year-old children. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 51, 101010. [paper]
François C., Rodriguez‐fornells A., Teixidó M., Agut T. & Bosch L. (2021), Attenuated brain responses to speech sounds in moderate preterm infants at term age. Developmental Science, 24(1), e12990. [paper]
Vaquero L., Ramos-Escobar N., Cucurell D., François C., Putkinen V., et al. (2021), Arcuate fasciculus architecture is associated with individual differences in pre-attentive detection of unpredicted music changes. NeuroImage, 229, 117759. [paper]
François C., Garcia-Alix A., Bosch L. & Rodriguez-Fornells A. (2021), Signatures of brain plasticity supporting language recovery after perinatal arterial ischemic stroke. Brain and Language, 212, 104880. [paper]
Elmer S., Dittinger E., Brocchetto J., François C., Besson M., Jäncke L. & Rodríguez-Fornells A. (2021), Phonetic Skills and Verbal Memory Capacity Predict Phonetic-based Word Learning: An Event-related Potential Study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(10), 2093–2108. [paper]
Ionescu G., Frey A., Guyader N., Kristensen E., Andreev A., et al. (2021), Synchronization of acquisition devices in neuroimaging: An application using co-registration of eye movements and electroencephalography. Behavior Research Methods, 54, 2545–2564. [paper]
Kavanagh E., Street S., Angwela F., Bergman T., Blaszczyk M., Bolt L., Briseño J.M., Brown M., et al. (2021), Dominance style is a key predictor of vocal use and evolution across nonhuman primates. Royal Society Open Science, 8, 210873. [paper]
Rey A., Bogaerts L., Tosatto L., Bonafos G., Franco A. & Favre B. (2020), Detection of regularities in a random environment. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(12), 2106–2118. [paper]
Chemla E., Dautriche I., Buccola B. & Fagot J. (2019), Constraints on the lexicons of human languages have cognitive roots present in baboons (Papio papio). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(30)), 14926–14930. [paper] [data]
Gibson E., Futrell R., Piantadosi S., Dautriche I. , Mahowald K., Bergen L. & Levy R. (2019), How Efficiency Shapes Human Language. Trends in Cognitive Science, 23(5), 389–407. [paper]
Chemla E., Buccola B. & Dautriche I. (2019), Connecting content and logical words. Journal of Semantics. [paper] [data]
Frey A., François C., Chobert J., R Besson M. & Ziegler J. (2019), Behavioral and electrophysiological investigation of speech perception deficits in silence, noise and envelope conditions in developmental dyslexia. Neuropsychologia, 130, 3–12. [paper]
François C., Ripollés P., Ferreri L., Muchart J., Sierpowska J., et al. (2019), Right Structural and Functional Reorganization in Four-Year-Old Children with Perinatal Arterial Ischemic Stroke Predict Language Production. eNeuro, 6(4), ENEURO.0447–18.2019. [paper]
François C. (2019), La relevancia de la música en el desarrollo lingüístico de los bebés. Llengua, Societat i Comunicació, 17. [paper]
Sierpowska J., Gabarrós A., Fernández-Coello A., Camins A., Castañer S., et al. (2019), White-matter pathways and semantic processing: intrasurgical and lesion-symptom mapping evidence. Neuroimage-Clinical, 22, 101704. [paper]
Frey A., François C., Chobert J., Velay J-L., Habib M., et al. (2019), Music Training Positively Influences the Preattentive Perception of Voice Onset Time in Children with Dyslexia: A Longitudinal Study. Brain Sciences, 9(4), 91. [paper]
Elmer S., Hänggi J., Vaquero L., Olivé Cadena G., François C., et al. (2019), Tracking the microstructural properties of the main white matter pathways underlying speech processing in simultaneous interpreters. NeuroImage, 191, 518–528. [paper]
Gupta S. & Sinha A. (2019), Gestural Communication of Wild Bonnet Macaques in the Bandipur National Park, Southern India. Behavioural Processes, 168, 103956. [paper]
Buccola B., Dautriche I. & Chemla E. (2018), Competition and symmetry in an artificial word learning task. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2176. [paper] [data]
Mahowald K., Dautriche I., Gibson E. & Piantadosi S.T. (2018), Word forms are structured for efficient use. Cognitive Science, 42(8), 3116–3134. [paper] [data]
Dautriche I., Fibla L., Fievet A-C. & Christophe A. (2018), Learning homophones in context: Easy cases are favoured in the lexicon of natural languages span. Cognitive Psychology, 104, 83–105. [paper] [data]
Vaquero L., Ramos-Escobar N., François C., Penhune V. & Rodríguez-Fornells A. (2018), White-matter structural connectivity predicts short-term melody and rhythm learning in non-musicians. NeuroImage, 181, 252–262. [paper]
Elmer S., Albrecht J., Abolfazl Valizadeh S., François C. & Rodríguez-Fornells A. (2018), Theta Coherence Asymmetry in the Dorsal Stream of Musicians Facilitates Word Learning. Scientific Reports, 8, 4565. [paper]
Frey A., Lemaire B., Vercueil L. & Guérin-Dugué A. (2018), An Eye Fixation-Related Potential Study in Two Reading Tasks: Reading to Memorize and Reading to Make a Decision. Brain Topography: a Journal of Cerebral Function and Dynamics, 31(4), 640–660. [paper]
Frey A. & Bosse M-L. (2018), Perceptual span, visual span, and visual attention span: Three potential ways to quantify limits on visual processing during reading. Visual Cognition, 26(6), 412–429. [paper]
Frey A. & Sappey-Marinier A. (2018), Musique et développement langagier. Ressources, Lecture et écriture : des recherches en ESPE, 19. [paper]
Deshpande A., Gupta S. & Sinha A. (2018). Intentional communication between wild bonnet macaques and humans. Scientific Reports, 8(1). [paper]
Dautriche I., Mahowald K., Gibson E., Christophe A. & Piantadosi S.T. (2017), Words cluster phonetically beyond phonotactic regularities. Cognition, 163, 128–145. [paper] [data]
de Carvalho A., Dautriche I., Lin I., & Christophe A. (2017). Phrasal prosody constrains syntactic analysis in toddlers. Cognition, 163, 67–79. [paper] [data]
Dautriche I., Mahowald K., Gibson E. & Piantadosi S.T. (2017), Wordform similarity increases with semantic similarity: an analysis of 100 languages. Cognitive Sciences, 41(8), 2149–2169. [paper]
François C., Teixidó M., Takerkart S., Agut T., Bosch L., et al. (2017), Enhanced Neonatal Brain Responses To Sung Streams Predict Vocabulary Outcomes By Age 18 Months. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 12451. [paper]
Vilà-Balló A., François C., Cucurell D., Miró J., Falip M., et al. (2017), Auditory Target and Novelty Processing in Patients with Unilateral Hippocampal Sclerosis: A Current-Source Density Study. Scientific Reports, 7, 1612. [paper]
François C., Cunillera T., Garcia E., Laine M. & Rodriguez-Fornells A. (2017), Neurophysiological evidence for the interplay of speech segmentation and word-referent mapping during novel word learning. Neuropsychologia, 98, 56–67. [paper]
Guérin-Dugué A., Lemaire B. & Frey A. (2017), General Linear Model to isolate higher-level cognitive components from oculomotor factors in natural reading by using EEG and eye-tracking data coregistration. 19th European Conference on Eye Movements, Aug 2017, Wuppertal, Germany. [paper]
Dautriche I. & Chemla E. (2016), What Homophones Say about Words. PLoS ONE 11(9), e0162176. [paper]
Dautriche I., Chemla E. & Christophe A. (2016), Word learning: homophony and the distribution of learning exemplars. Language Learning and Development, 12(3), 231–251 [paper] [data]
Vaquero L., Hartmann K., Ripollés P., Rojo N., Sierpowska J., François C., et al. (2016), Structural neuroplasticity in expert pianists depends on the age of musical training onset. NeuroImage, 126, 106–119. [paper]
François C., Ripollés P., Bosch L., Garcia-Alix A., et al. (2016), Language learning and brain reorganization in a 3.5-year-old child with left perinatal stroke revealed using structural and functional connectivity. Cortex, 77, 95–118. [paper]
Narayan S., Michael H., Gupta S. , Himani N., da Silva Mendonça R., Morino L. & Sinha A. (2016), Watering holes: The use of arboreal sources of drinking water by Old World monkeys and apes. Behavioural Processes, 129, 18–26. [paper]
Gupta S. & Sinha A. (2016), Not here, there! Possible referential gesturing during allogrooming by wild bonnet macaques, Macaca radiata. Animal Cognition, 19(6). [paper]
Dautriche I., Swingley D. & Christophe A. (2015), Learning novel phonological neighbors: syntactic category matters. Cognition, 143, 77–86 [paper]
de Carvalho A. Dautriche I. & Christophe A. (2015), Preschoolers use phrasal prosody online to constrain syntactic analysis. Developmental Science, 19(2), 235–250 [paper]
François C., Grau-Sánchez J., Duarte E. & Rodríguez-Fornells A. (2015), Musical training as an alternative and effective method for neuro-education and neuro-rehabilitation. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 475. [paper]
Frey A. (2015), Eye movements in children during reading: a review. Actes du Symposium international sur la litéracie à l’école/International Symposium for Educational Literacy (SILE/ISEL), 2015. [paper]
Gupta S. & Rajesh K. & Sinha A. (2015), Creativity and experience in nonhuman primate communication. Cognition, Experience and Creativity, 244–260. [paper]
Gutman A., Dautriche I., Crabbé B. & Christophe A. (2014), Bootstrapping the syntactic bootstrapper : Probabilistic labelling of prosodic phrases. Language Acquisition, 22(3), 285–309 [paper]
Dautriche I. & Chemla E. (2014), Cross-situational word learning in the right situations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40(3), 892–903. [paper]
Dautriche I., Cristia A., Brusini P., Yuan S., Fisher C. & Christophe A., (2014), Toddlers default to canonical surface-to-meaning mapping when learning verbs. Child Development, 85(3), 1168–1180. [paper]
Selchenkova T., François C., Schön D., Corneyllie A., Perrin F., et al. (2014), Metrical Presentation Boosts Implicit Learning of Artificial Grammar. PLoS ONE, 9(11), e112233. [paper]
François C., Jaillet F., Takerkart S. & Schön D. (2014), Faster Sound Stream Segmentation in Musicians than in Nonmusicians. PLoS ONE, 9(7), e101340. [paper]
François C. & Schön D. (2014), Neural sensitivity to statistical regularities as a fundamental biological process that underlies auditory learning: The role of musical practice. Hearing Research, 308, 122–128. [paper]
Chobert J., François C., Velay J-L. & R Besson M. (2014), Twelve Months of Active Musical Training in 8-to 10-Year-Old Children Enhances the Preattentive Processing of Syllabic Duration and Voice Onset Time. Cerebral Cortex, 24(4), 956–967. [paper]
Frey A., Hautbois X., Bootz P. & Tijus C. (2014), An experimental validation of Temporal Semiotic Units and Parameterized Time Motifs. Musicae Scientiae, 8(1), 98–123. [paper]
Frey A., Aramaki M. & R Besson M. (2014), Conceptual priming for realistic auditory scenes and for auditory words. Brain and Cognition, 84(1), 141–152. [paper]
Gupta S. & Sinha A. (2014). A wild boar hunting: Predation on a bonnet macaque by a wild boar in the Bandipur National Park, Southern India. Current Science, 106, 1186. [paper]
Gupta S. & Sinha A. (2014). Executive functions as a path to understanding nonhuman consciousness. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Consciousness and the Self, 9, 101–116. [paper]
François C., Chobert J., R Besson M. & Schön D. (2013), Music Training for the Development of Speech Segmentation. Cerebral Cortex, 23(9), 2038–2043. [paper] Frey A., Ionescu G., Lemaire B., Lopez Orozco F., Baccino T., et al. (2013), Decision-making in information seeking on texts: an Eye-Fixation-Related Potentials investigation. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 7, art. 39. [paper]
Chobert J., François C., Habib M., R Besson M. (2012), Deficit in the preattentive processing of syllabic duration and VOT in children with dyslexia. Neuropsychologia, 50(8), 2044–2055. [paper] François C., Tillmann B., Schön D. (2012), Cognitive and methodological considerations on the effects of musical expertise on speech segmentation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1252(1), 108–115. [paper]
Chobert J., Marie C., François C., Schön D., R. Besson M. (2011), Enhanced Passive and Active Processing of Syllables in Musician Children. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 10, 420–3887. [paper]
François C., Schön D. (2011), Musical Expertise Boosts Implicit Learning of Both Musical and Linguistic Structures. Cerebral Cortex, 21(10), 2357–2365. [paper]
Schön D. & François C. (2011), Musical Expertise and Statistical Learning of Musical and Linguistic Structures. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, 167. [paper]
R Besson M., Frey A. & Aramaki M. (2011), Is the distinction between intra-and extra-musical meaning implemented in the brain? Comment on « Towards a neural basis of processing musical semantics » by Stefan Koelsch. Physics of Life Reviews, 8(2), 112–113. [paper]
Francois C. & Schön D. (2010), Learning of musical and linguistic structures: comparing event-related potentials and behavior. NeuroReport, 21(14), 928–932. [paper]
Frey A., Marie C., Prod’Homme L., Timsit-Berthier M., Schön D., et al. (2009), Temporal Semiotic Units as minimal meaningful units in music? An electrophysiological approach. Music Perception, 26, 247–256. [paper]
Frey A., Daquet A., Poitrenaud S., Tijus C., Fremiot M., et al. (2009), Pertinence cognitive des unités sémiotiques temporelles. Musicae Scientiae, 13(2), 415–440. [paper]